July 7, 2021
From the club president, Barbara O’Sullivan:
I know it has been a long time since last I sent a message but with no change in the conditions it seemed depressing and useless…finally I am excited to hear some very positive news on the horizon.
Based on the Governor’s directions that he will “open the state up” on June 15th it looks like we are clear to restart our meetings. Only time will tell what the long-term impact will be, but we want to take advantage of the opportunity while we can to bring the group together again.
To that end, the Board met and decided we will have our first meeting of 2021 on July 7th. Carol Game has been gracious enough to offer her house as the venue so there will be plenty of room for a large group and space to social distance when needed.
Given the short time left for activities in 2021, and based on the membership vote at the end of 2020, the current board has agreed to continue through the balance of the year with the highest priority task of identifying a new board to take over in 2022 so the club can continue. Like the first meeting of every year, it will be a “working” meeting…we have a lot to discuss and work thru, so come ready to share ideas for the balance of the year. As always, I will send an agenda out prior to the meeting with the general discussion points.
WHEN: July 7th, 2021
WHERE: Carol Game’s House in PP; see roster for address
please consider carpooling
TIME: 10:30 – 11:00 Socializing
11:00 Meeting
12:00 Lunch – Bring your own lunch*
(water, iced tea and lemon aid will be provided)
*We have been informed that potlucks and such are not allowed at this time.
I am really looking forward to seeing everyone, it has been way too long – it will be wonderful to relax in such beautiful surroundings and catch up.