President Maureen Julian opened the meeting after most had finished their lunch at Hop Sing Palace. She thanked Ginger DeGregory for arranging our day at the Museum of Wonder and Delight and our lunch at Hop Sing Palace.
- Folsom Museum of Wonder and Delight and Hop Sing Palace Restaurant
Darlene Grosz introduced Janet Hume who was her guest.
Maureen said that we have collected $137.06 so far for the Penny Pines and have sent our first donation of $68 and received our first certificate from the US Forest Service which will plant 1 acre of seedlings in the El Dorado forest. We will collect again for Penny Pines at the next meeting.
Maureen called for a vote on the March Minutes. Jeri Hartman moved and Janet Sullivan seconded; the Minutes were approved.
In the absence of Kay Campbell, Maureen gave the Treasurer’s Report; we have $2,388.08 in the checking account.
Team Reports
Garden Team
Tom and Nancy Schulz are donating $30 to FOL from the sale of Tom’s dish gardens and will also be donating plants for the Sly Park Lake entrance. Pat Schoggins will be taking them to the nursery on April 19th, and with the help of Jayne Loughry and Marilyn Johnson they will clean up and plant on April 20th.
The next project will be the Pinewood School Memory Garden clean-up in early June.
Thank you to Norma Ray for the March Library clean-up and to Jayne Loughry and Jamie Keiser for April. May will be Amy Rath and Deanna Jackson.
Norma Ray said the May meeting will be at the High Sierra Iris Gardens in Camino; directions will be in the next Dogwood Garden Club Newsletter.
For the 55th Anniversary Event in June a flyer was passed out for reservations.
Janet Sullivan said the April Luncheon will be at Sportsman’s Hall in PP.
Amy Rath talked about the May Arbor Day event. Volunteers are still needed people to be in the Maypole, adults and children. Contact Leslie Sinclair.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:28.
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Jenkins, Secretary