November 1, 2023 Minutes
The meeting was called to order by Debbie Bybee-Crumpley at 11:15am
Carol Game conducted the Pledge of Allegiance
Guest – Valerie Laam’s granddaughter Issabella
Approval of October meeting minutes – approved by Valerie Laam, seconded by
Judy Magness
Treasures report given by Maryann – beginning balance for November $7,670.85
Sunshine – Jeri Hartman
Marleen Whelden had a bad fall but is recovering well
Kathryn Anderson has heart issues and is on a heart monitor
November Birthday Lunch – Anne Mintmier
November 8th – 11:30, Wally’s Pizza Bar, 4079 Cameron Park Dr, Cameron
Park, CA
All members invited
Celebrants: Anne Mintmier, Barbara O’Sullivan, Becky McIntyre, Billie Wood,
Bunny Minkin, Jeri Hartman, Lexa Mack
Notify Anne by November 7 th if you are planning to attend
Pat Whitman moved to Roseville and is having a large fabric and notions sale –
contact Anne Mintmier for details of the sale.
Judy Morgan Park
Clean up organized for Saturday Nov 11 th at 9am
Debbie will follow-up on the issue of the missing dumpster in October
Annual Club Donation
Friends of the Library, Pollock Pine Community Church, Community Center
Pollock Pines/Camino, and Boys and Girls Club – $900 each
Rotary Club Scholarship fund -$500 (must go to a local child)
Sierra Wildlife – $500
Election of 2024 Board of Directors
We have the following positions filled
o VP – Allison Knight
o Secretary – Theresa Magnuson
o Treasure – Lexa Mack
We are still looking for someone to step up as President for 2024. If we are
unable to fill that role the club will have to disband. Contact Debbie directly
if you are interested.
Holiday Craft Faire (Norma Ray and Jan Slominski)
November 17th and 18th
o Friday -5pm to 8pm
o Saturday – 9am to 3pm
Volunteers Needed- contact Norma directly if you are able to help
24 vendors have signed up – 4 on a waiting list
Holiday Faire Bake Sale – Carol Game
Contact Carol if you can provide baked goods or can work in the booth
You can drop cookies off at the Community Center from 1pm to 3pm on
the 17 th – or contact Carol to deliver them to her house
Christmas Boughs
Nov 28 th , 11am at the Community Center – cookies and hot chocolate!!
If you have not signed up and want to help, contact Theresa Magnuson
We still need boughs – if you have any you can cut from your trees, please
contact Theresa
Valerie and her husband Steve will remove all the Boughs after the first
of the year
Boys and Girls Club Grannies
Kay Campbell is the lead for this program
December 11 th to 13 th
Location is Sierra Ridge Middle School, 2700 Amber Trail, Pollock Pines
Still need help – please contact Kay directly
Holiday Lunch
December 6 th 2pm to 5pm
Shakespeare Club
$45 per person – checks MUST be in our PO Box by Friday, Dec 1 st 5pm
Still need table Host – contact Carol if you can to host a table
Each member can bring their spouse or a guest
You can bring you own alcohol to the party
Set up begins at 9am Wednesday, Dec 6 th morning
Community Christmas Dinner hosted by the Community Center
Carol and Debbie will do the children’s ornament craft project at the dinner
event. Dec 10 th from 2pm to 5pm
This is a free dinner that the Community Center provides, annually, to the
entire community
Toys for the Children – they also provide gifts for all the children that come
– and are concerned they may not have enough gift so if you would like to
insure that doesn’t happen you could bring an unwrapped gift to the
Community Center
Community Church Food Closet – Sandra Morgan
Thanked the club for the contributions to the Food Closet. The Church holds
a food distribution drive every Friday and the number of people picking up
food has increased dramatically. She requested Turkey’s for the holiday.
CEDAPP – Karen Duncan
Karen notified Debbie that they will not be holding the “Stars Night Out”
event this year. They will hold an event in the spring with all organizations in
town to discuss several issues including sharing of community volunteers.
Trees for Teens
Need help getting trees. Carol will call Home Depot to see if they will donate
a couple of trees
Tree Lighting is set for December 2nd at 5:30, El Dorado Savings Bank Parking lot
Meeting adjourned – 12:20 pm – approved by Carol Osbourn and Theresa Magnuson
Submitted by Barbara O’Sullivan