September 6, 2017
Location: Lotus Bonsai Nursery & Gardens, 1435 Lower Lake Drive, Placerville, CA 95667
Speakers: Scott Chadd
Meeting called to order by Norma Ray at 12:30 p.m.
- Pledge of allegiance led by Marilu Blau
- Request for additional Agenda Items
- Boys & Girls Club – Norma for Maureen Julian
- Christmas Luncheon
- Minutes from August 2017 Meeting
- Moved to approve, Janet Sullivan
- Seconded, Pat Schoggins
- Motion Approved by attending members
- Introduction of Guests and New Members
- Barbara O’Sullivan – New Member
- Carol Game – New Member
- Treasurer’s Report
- Total at end of June $3,303.82
- Old Business
- Recap of Peddlers and Pickers Faire
- Hot and fun
- Made $250 dollars
- Update on Friends of the Library Book Sale – Marilyn Johnson
- Friends of the Library Membership is $10 per year
- First time held on a Saturday – Very Successful
- Recap of Peddlers and Pickers Faire
- The $615 made at the sale will be used to purchase books for the Pollock Pines Library as El Dorado County no longer provides funding for books.
- Thanks to all of the volunteers and especially to Maureen Julian for coming early and setting up tables, banners and signs
- New Business – Norma Ray
- September 13th Birthday Lunch – Janet Sullivan
- 11:30 a.m. at the Ciao Deli on Ray Lawyer Dr., in Placerville
- October 4th meeting – Lexa Mack – plans will be finalized and included in the Bloomin’ News
- Library Landscape Maintenance – Pat Schoggins
- October – Norma; November – Lajunta and Husband; December – open but Jane and Pat could cover that month.
- Sunshine – Marilyn
- Tom Schultz has moved to a neurological facility in Oregon that is near his family. Waiting for address so that we can stay in touch
- Fund Raising
- Holiday Gift Bazaar in the Pines – Norma Ray
- November 19th at the Pollock Pines/Camino Community Center
- 11:00 to 4:00 p.m.
- Norma has vendor applications
- $15 per vendor ($10 to Community Center $5 to DGC)
- Norma Ray request $50 for the printing of flyers and handouts for the Holiday Craft Fair
- Lexa Mack moved to approve a $50 advance from DGC
- Amy Rath Seconded
- Motion was carried by the attending members
- Nominations for Board – Norma Ray
- DGC will need to have new board members in place at the first of the year. If you are interested in serving on the board, please contact Norma.
- Boys and Girls Club – Norma for Maureen Julian
- Money collected for the Boys and Girls Club (including Penny Pines money was transferred to them) is $490. DGC general fund will add $10 to make it an even $500.
- Christmas Luncheon – Pat Schoggins
- December 6th at Wedgewood Event Center on “B” Street in Placerville
- Menu – Filet Mignon or Salmon (vegetarian by pre-arrangement)
- Holiday Gift Bazaar in the Pines – Norma Ray
- September 13th Birthday Lunch – Janet Sullivan
- Guest are Welcome
- $30 per person
- Information for club members
- Super Seniors of Pollock Pines – Norma Ray for Maureen Julian
- The purpose of this group is to provide and encourage a wider array of activities for seniors in the Pollock Pines Area
- A Facebook Page has been set up
- Super Seniors of Pollock Pines – Norma Ray for Maureen Julian
- A questionnaire to gather information about the level of interest in a variety of activities is being collected.
Adjourned by Norma Ray at 1:17 p.m.