September 2013
President’s Message
Forty people attended the August 7th meeting at Fifty Grand, a wonderful turnout. Thanks so very much to Billie Jordan for organizing the event and the guest speaker, master gardener Kathy Pearson who spoke about herb growing and their uses and also bugs and other critters in our area. She presented each of us with a packet with several recipes for herbs. A great treat for us to have.
Teri Munyon presented the History Book for 2012. A job well done Teri, very beautiful and colorful photos of our meetings and gatherings. Many thanks, Teri.
Two very important upcoming dates:
The shed clean-out on Thursday, Sept. 5th at 10 am. Please be there if you want paper plates, napkins, cups, etc. from the Hospitality group. Items not taken that day will be donated to the PPCCC or the Boys and Girls Club. Please come down and help. Should only take one hour of your time.
Saturday, November 9th. is the date for our “Holiday Gift Bazaar”. The location will be announced soon, but it will be local and well advertised. So many of our members and their spouses/children are very talented. We wanted to give them a chance to sell their wares and also for everyone to do some holiday shopping without going down the hill.
See you all there AND also there.
Donna Morrison, President
DogwoodGarden Club
August 7, 2013
President Donna Morrison called the meeting to order at 11:00 am at the Fifty Grand restaurant in Pollock Pines.
Vice President Vicki Doyle led the flag salute.
The minutes were approved as printed in the Bloomin News.
Donna introduced guests Lori White from Phoenix and Kathy Majestic.
Teri Munyon presented the Historians 2012 yearbook to Donna. She did a beautiful job on it.
Donna invited the membership to the Board Meeting on August 12 at 2 pm at Donna’s house.
There will be a Shed clean out on Thursday September 5 at 10 am.
Pat Schoggins gave the Treasurers report. At the end of July we had $6436.04.
Committee reports
Janet Sullivan, Sunshine, announced that the August Birthday Luncheon will be at Los Pinos Restaurant in Cameron Park at exit 35. Sandy Wilson is in charge – Please let her know if you will be there.
Carole McNamara, Program, passed a sign- up sheet for the visit to the Governor’s Mansion built in 1877. We will leave the CVS Parking lot at 8:30 am and the Docent led tour starts at 10 am. Cost for the Tour is $5. We will have lunch at the Casa Garden Restaurant. The total is $22.60 and there is a limit of 36. Parking is limited on the street and there is paid parking at 15th and H.
Jeri Hartman announced that we will be leaving the CVS parking lot at 9:30 am on September 4 for WoodsLake . Directions will be in the Bloomin News. We are to bring lawn chairs and she will bring her kayak. Remember that the lake is at 8200 feet.
Leslie Sinclair, Garden team, said there will be no garlands at Safeway this year. They will be looking for places to decorate. Daffodill Hill has been weeded and they have had two meetings at the Library with Becky to discuss the landscaping plans for the Library.
Today after the meeting – 1 -1:30 pm – and tomorrow at 11 am we will be working in our garden at the CommunityGarden.
Donna is collecting box tops for the school– please bring them to her.
Merle Neil said that the Boys and Girls Club needs supplies. Please donate anything you have around the house.
Mary Bourn announced that Jeanie Redmond has invited us to visit her garden on September 18 at 11:30 am. She has a terrific garden and we can get lots of ideas.
Mary Bourn, Nominating Committee, said we need a Board. Please get your thinking caps on. June DeVille and Doris Morley are also on the Nominating Committee. We can’t wait until November.
Lorraine Mumm announced that Sue Granno and Sue Nelson will be at the Craft Faire in Placerville on Sunday. There will be every type of crafts.
Donna reported that we adopted a family. We helped them with $200 for car repairs. The mother has lost her job and she has 4 children to get ready for school. The membership approved $300 for a gift card from Wallmart.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:50 am.
Master Gardener and Master Food Preserver, Kathy Pearson, spoke about gophers, deer, herbs, shade plants and bees. She recommended the Field Guide to the Sierra Nevada by John Muir Lacos.
Respectfully Submitted,
Judy Jenkins
Sunshine Committee
SeptemberGarden Club Birthday Luncheon
The September Garden Club Birthday Luncheon will be held on Wednesday, September 11th at 11:30 a.m. at The Relish Burger Bar, 1000 White Rock Road, Suite 100, El Dorado Hills. We will be given separate checks. Marian Majestic is your September Birthday Luncheon Hostess. Please RSVP to Marian at 530-644-1220 or email at:
September Birthday Celebrants are:
Tom Schulz – Sept. 4
Nanette Lewis – Sept. 10
Judith Jordan – Sept. 19
Doris Morley – Sept. 25
Pat Schoggins – Sept 30
Directions: Drive West on Hwy. 50. Take the Latrobe Exit #30 . Turn left. Drive to White Rock Road. Take a left. You will see the Relish Bar sign up on the hill. There is ample Parking. Also in that area is Pottery World, Peet’s Coffee and several boutique stores.
The Relish Bar has delicious hamburgers, salads and sandwiches, plus a full bar .I am sure you will enjoy it’s uniqueness.
Janet Sullivan
Sunshine Team Leader
September Meeting
Our September meeting will be held at WoodsLake. It is an hour from Pollock Pines via Mormon Emigrant Trail. We can each pack a picnic lunch and beverage along with a comfy lawn chair to sit near the lake. There are large picnic tables but they are not grouped together; we’ll gather around one of the tables with our lawn chairs for the meeting portion. The
parking area is very close to the lake and it is level ground to the lake, picnic area and bathroom.
There should still be wildflowers in abundance since they have a very late spring at 8200 feet elevation. I’ve been there towards the end of August and the wildflowers were beautiful. The area is stunning, so bring your camera. If you are able, you can hike around the lake as well.
We can plan to carpool from the CVS parking lot at 9:30 a.m.. It takes one hour to arrive at WoodsLake.
Directions are: From Sly Park Rd., turn onto Mormon Immigrant Trial and continue 25 miles to the juntion of Highway 88. Turn left and continue a few miles past Silver Lake. Continue on Hwy. 88 for about 7 more miles and you will see CaplesLakes. About 2 miles past Caples Lake you will see a forestry sign that says WoodLake on the right. Turn right into WoodLakes and continue on to Lake parking. There is a $5 fee per car that can be paid after you park.
Jeri Hartman
October 2, 2013 Meeting
Our Wednesday October 2rd meeting is going to take us to Sacramento, first to the Historic Governor’s Mansion,1526 H Street, and then to lunch at the Casa Garden restaurant, 2760 Sutterville Road. We will depart from CVS in Pollock Pines at 8:30 am for a 10:00 am docent led tour of the Historic Governor’s Mansion. The mansion was originally built in 1877. The cost of the tour is $5. There are limited parking places in front of the Mansion and paid parking is located at 15 & H Street. If you arrive early please enjoy the newly restored gardens. We will depart about 10:45am for the Casa Garden Restaurant located at 2760 Sutterville Road. Our 11:30 am menu selection is as follows:
Braised Beef with Feta
Tender cubes of beef, pearl onions and herbs simmered in a rich red wine sauce enhanced with walnuts and feta cheese, served over a bed or orzo and includes spring salad.
Mediterranean Chicken Salad
Grilled chicken breast, accompanied by marinated salad of delicate couscous pasta and fresh vegetables seasoned with red wind vinaigrette, basil and capers
Vegetarian selection is available.
Strawberry Margarita Torte
One beverage either coffee, tea or ice tea are included.
We are limited to 36 in the Patio Room. Please get your reservation in early.
The cost for the luncheon is $17.60 including tax and tip. The profits from the Casa Garden Restaurant have been going to support the Sacramento Children’s Home since 1974.
Please send your check with your menu selection on it made out to the Dogwood Garden Club for the Governor’s Mansion Tour $5.00 and the Casa Garden luncheon $17.60 for a total of $22.60 before September 18, 2013 to:
Ginger DeGregory
1848 Stagecoach Court
Placerville, CA95667
November 6, Ginger DeGregory has made arrangements for us to hold our elections and lunch at Crystal Basin Bistro in Camino.
December 4, Judy Jenkins has scheduled our Christmas lunch, at Wedgewood (aka Sequoia) – toy drive, $ collection for teen gifts, no ornament or gift exchange.
Garden Team Report
Congratulations to Sue Granno and Sue Nelson for being featured “crafters” for the big Craft Fair held in Placerville on Sunday, August 11th. Great photo of both of you in the local Mountain Democrat.
Special thanks go out to Jeri Hartman, Marilyn Johnson, Pat Schoggins and Sylvia Hamblin for offering their ideas and expertise regarding the landscaping design of the new children’s craft and reading area at the Pollock Pines Library.
Becky McIntyre and her husband, Bryan, headed up the meeting to help devise and consolidate some great ideas for the outdoor project.
Also present were Chris and Wendy, the librarians, as well as former team members, Ken Inman and his aunt Lajunta Inman who helped to guide us on their vision of the ongoing project.
Sylvia and I regret to let you all know that we are ready to pass on the position of “Co” Team Leaders to the next dedicated up and coming Team members. We will continue to work with the team, so hope that one or two of our club members will step up to fill the vacancy. We will be glad to assist the new leaders in any way we can.
Finally, Fall is approaching and Daffodil Hill planting time is near. We will let everyone know the date soon.
All for now, Leslie and Sylvia
Tid Bits
Information shared by Becky
My name is Barbara Brown and I am a member of the Assistance League® of Sierra
Foothills, a community based philanthropic organization serving El DoradoCounty.
We are planning an incredible Author Forum and I was hoping you would be able to help us spread the word by sending out our flyer to your membership, local book clubs and libraries. We are fortunate to be able to feature three New York Times Bestselling Authors and a nationally known book critic and author.
Assistance League of Sierra Foothills presents Inside the Creative Mind-Author Forum, the first in a Creative Series, scheduled for October 10, 2013 at the Folsom Community Center.
We will feature three New York Times Bestselling authors, James Rollins, John Lescroart and Allison Brennan, who will share their creative process and enjoy an afternoon of exploration, lunch, author presentations, and book signing. An author panel will be moderated by Jeff Ayers, a well-known national book critic and author.
Assistance League of Sierra Foothills collaborates with local elementary schools to provide a program that supports children in their developing literacy skills and teaches them to enjoy reading. Choosing “authors” as our first creative endeavor just seemed natural.
All proceeds fund our philanthropic programs, including our signature programs, Operation School Bell®, providing new school clothing for homeless and disadvantaged children. Sports Locker provides scholarships and equipment for youth interested in participating in organized sports but are unable to afford the cost. In 2012 our 80 volunteer members worked over 12,140 hours and raised over $122,479 for our communities through fund raising efforts, private donations, grants and membership dues.
I’ve attached a flyer of the event with all the pertinent information. We are offering a 10% group discount when 8 or more tickets are purchases. Group sales can be arranged by calling Barbara at 916.549.3869.
Thank you for considering our request to help us get the word out. If you have any questions please feel free to call me (my number is above).
Barbara Brown
More information – from Merle
Thanks to many of you for your kind donations. Your newly purchased school supplies are super, and to those of you who donated round the house or recycle items, way to go!
Everything will be put to good use.
I WILL STILL BE COLLECTING ITEMS FOR THIS CAUSE. So bring your items to any meeting.
Merle Neil 644-0672
From Mary Simpson
Barb Simpson, Kindergarten teacher and garden coordinator at PinewoodSchool gave a tour to those members of the Dogwood Garden Club who were able to meet with her on Monday, August 12, 2013. Unfortunately, that was her only available time and we are sorry more members couldn’t attend. We had a good time and viewing what was done by the children in this program was rewarding. By the way, the cabbage was definitely ready to harvest. We also saw proof of how mint could overtake a garden.
Mary Simpson
I had to share too! Sandy
The Birthday luncheon held Wednesday, August 14, 2013, at Lost Pinos in Cameron Park was a great success. We had a wonderful combination – good weather, a great group of attendees, fantastic food, and a very competent and friendly waitress. Since three birthday ladies were there, there were three birthday cakes (large servings) so everyone was able to partake. A celebration to remember.
A note from Marilyn Johnson
I wanted to express my deepest gratitude to all of you for your cards, phone calls and most of all your generous efforts at Mike’s memorial reception. It left such an impression on our family and many friends attending from both out of the area and locally.
Words cannot convey how each of you has helped me get through this journey.
Friends and memories are forever.
Thank you,
Marilyn Johnson
June Short, Communications; Mary Bourn, Parliamentarian & Fund Raising; Pat Schoggins & Vickie Doyle, Decorations; Becky McIntyre, Programs; Leslie Sinclair & Sylvia Hamblin, Gardening; Sandy Wilson, Publishing; Tom Schulz & Sue Granno, Historians; Janet Sullivan, Sunshine; Choral Engstrom & Judi Belt, Hospitality Events, Mary Bourn & Merle Neil, Special Events; June DeVille & Jeri Hartman, Membership; Becky McIntyre, Webmaster; Tami Lee and Judi Cooper, Crafts