President’s Message
Greetings and welcome to 2017 and another exciting year for the Dogwood Garden Club. 2017 will be a year of change for the club. We only have one team, the Crafts Team, but not to worry, thanks to many of our members all projects will continue. We are looking forward to a collaborative relationship with the Interact Club at Sierra Ridge Middle School. This Rotary Club sponsored group is looking for some community service activities along with some direction and we are looking for some strong backs. I’m sure it will be a happy union.
Thank you to the Community Center for providing the room and Joyce’s assistance for our first meeting of the year. The potluck was very successful with many excellent dishes and a no-nonsense meeting that packed a lot of business into one hour. The minutes for that meeting are below and will provide you with information about the activities and tentative program calendar for the year. Our next meeting will be another potluck – this one with an international flair. It will be held at Gold Ridge Club House and hosted by Mary Bourn. Information for this meeting is below.
In spite of the weather, we had 9 people show up for the birthday lunch at Bene Italiano Cafe in Placerville. The food and camaraderie were both excellent. The March birthday lunch has yet to be determined but will happen. Celebrating birthdays will be: Janet Sullivan, Lorraine Mumm and Susan Nelson.
With a sincere hope for a great year for all..
Meetings for the February minutes are here.
Where: Gold Ridge Club House
4101 Opal Trail
Pollock Pines
Time: Social Time 10:30-11:00
Meeting Time 11:- 11:30
Speaker Time 11:30- Noon
Lunch at Noon
We have a fun filled March Meeting planned for our members and guests.
Our theme this month is “International Pot Luck.” We have several people signed up to bring dishes from many countries, Sweden, Germany, Italy, Ireland Portugal. If you would like to bring a dish please contact me either by email or phone or 530-644-4832.
If you would like you can also bring a table setting for yourself. It can be anything you like We did this a couple of years ago and it was fun to see people and their creative place mat settings. We will also provide paper plates, napkins and cutlery for those who do not wish to decorate.
Our guest speaker will be Melissa from Above and Beyond Estate Sales. Please click the link for more information We will also have some great raffle prizes as well. Jeri Hartman donated this beautiful piece below to add to our raffle. We will also be collecting for the Food Drive for the Community Church Food Pantry.
Lots going on so come and ENJOY?
Mary Bourn
March Host