President’s Message
What a wonderful time we had Miraflores Winery for our July meeting; there was a great turnout and a number of guests. It still amazes me that we live so close to so many beautiful wineries!
I was delighted to announce that Norma Ray is willing to be President for 2017, unless we have others that want to also run for President? Voting will be at the November meeting.
Don’t think you have to be a long-time Member to serve on the board! I had only been a Member for a few months when I was asked to be treasurer; the following year, president! I hope new Members will consider becoming active; new Members mean new ideas!!
“That beautiful season . . . the Summer of All-Saints! Filled was the air with a dreamy and magical light; and the landscape Lay as if new created in all the freshness of childhood. “
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Enjoy your summer!
DGC Meeting Minutes
August DGC Meeting
Our meeting will be at Bridal Veil Park on Wednesday, August 3rd at 10:30. Bring your picnic lunch, and, if you choose, something to share. Cost is $8 per car; we will carpool from Safeway. PLEASE see the attached (or click on link) for complete information. We had a great time last year with some Members wading into the river!
August Birthday Luncheon
The August Birthday Luncheon will be held on Wednesday, August 10th at 11:30 am at The California Kitchen Restaurant, 251 Main Street, Placerville.
The restaurant has a new menu. Many of you expressed interest in trying the new menu when you were there in June. We will be given separate checks.
Donna Folts is your August Birthday Luncheon Hostess. Please RSVP to Donna if you plan to attend. See your Garden Club roster for Donna’s phone number and email address.
August Birthday Celebrants are:
Barbara Mahach – August 5th
Sandy Wilson – August 7th
Lynn Fischer Salazar – August 10th
Linda Cockery – August 18th
Donna Folts – August 21st
Sylvia Hamblin – August 25th
Save the Date
Future Meetings (place subject to change)
September 7th Honey Bear Ranch Winery & Café, Camino
October 5th- Docent-led tour of downtown Placerville
November 2nd Pottery World in El Dorado Hills for a Christmas Decor demonstration
December 7th- Xmas Luncheon Log Cabin