The year is now half over. I was very concerned about taking on the role of President of the DGC – especially with the changes in the team format. I feel like I’ve gotten my sea legs now and hope you are all happy (or at least OK) with the job I’m doing. I am always open to suggestion for improvement!
Many of our members – even us newbies to the ‘hood – wear more than one volunteer hat. I know for me, being a member of the Dogwood Garden Club opened up an opportunity (?) to work with Heather and the Pollock Pines Camino Fire Safe Council. But, I have to tip my hat to Kay Campbell. Not only did she organize the Sierra Springs Fire Safe Council, but Kay and her crew which included other club members, did a bang up job of organizing an extremely successful fundraiser for their Fire Safe Council. It was one of the most pleasant fundraisers with good food, great music and a lot of wonderful company. Three cheers for Kay and her small but effective army!
Thank you, Mary Bourn, for coming up with a last minute meeting idea for our July meeting when our plans to go to the Porter Glass Works had to be rescheduled. The pot luck was a bit of an oops and I promise never again to assign dishes based on first names! Our chalk painting session with Brooke Sobel was extremely informative and totally fun! In addition to walking us through the steps, she also provided information and was able to answer all of our questions – and we had lots of questions! Plus, for $5, we got to go home with a nice little memento.
Our next meeting will be held on August 2, 2017 at the Kit Carson Lodge at Silver Lake. Information and the order form follow. Please sign up in advance for lunch. If you find you are unable to attend and you’ve already sent in your lunch payment, just give me a call and we’ll work things out. The form and payment are due on July 25th which is coming up! I will be attending the craft team meeting so you can bring your form and payment then.
Janet Sullivan – we missed you at the birthday lunch! Poor thing was feeling under the weather! There were seven of us who attended the lunch held at the California Kitchen. It was my first time there and I really liked the food.
The next birthday lunch will also hosted by Janet Sullivan. I’m sure she will come up with another fun venue. August birthdays include: Barbara Mahach, Charlene Arrigale, Linda Corkery and Sylvia Hamblin.
Speaking of Sylvia, the next craft team meeting will be held at her house on Tuesday, August 25th from 11-2. All are welcome! Bring your lunch, scissors, glue gun, glue and your imagination! Please call Sylvia to let her know if you plan to attend.
The heat is upon us! If you have a unique or a tried and true way of keeping cool please let me know via e-mail and I’ll share it with everyone in the next Bloomin’ News.
Norma Ray
Attachment: Minutes from the July 5th meeting
Information about the Wednesday, August 2, 2017 meeting
At Kit Carson Lodge and Restaurant at Silver Lake
Come join us for lunch and our August DGC meeting at the beautiful Kit Carson Lodge and Restaurant at Silver Lake. We will plan to arrive at 11:00 with lunch beginning at 11:30 and the meeting at 12:00. Feel free to linger after the meeting and enjoy the scenery!
Lunch: We will be ordering lunch in advance. To review their lunch menu go to their website at; click on restaurant then click on lunch. On the form below or a piece of paper, please write down your lunch selection, the cost of your lunch selection and add 25% for tax and tip. Return with your payment to Norma Ray (6747 Ridgeway Dr. PP 95726) by July 25th. Beverages will be ordered when we arrive. The club will cover the cost of coffee, tea, sodas. Feel free to pay for your own beer and wine.
Directions: From Sly Park Entrance (since everyone knows where that is)
Go South on Sly Park Road
In .5 miles turn left onto Mormon Emigrant Trail
In 24.6 miles turn left onto Highway 88
In 7 miles turn sharp right onto Kit Carson Rd.
Take the first left after .1 miles to stay on KC Rd.
You will reach Kit Carson Lodge & Restaurant in .3 miles.
It should take about 45 minutes from Sly Park.
If you would like to carpool from CVS Parking Lot, we will meet there and plan to leave promptly at 10:00.
Kit Carson Lodge Restaurant
Lunch Order Form
Name: _____________________________________________
Food item(s) from menu Cost Tax & Tip (25%)
___________________________________ $__________ $_________
___________________________________ $__________ $_________
Total enclosed $_________
Please send to Norma Ray (see directory for her home address) by July 25, 2017. Thanks!