August 2019 DGC Tallac Flyer
Attached is the Bloomin’ News for July, the July Minutes and the flier for the August meeting at Tallac Heritage Site. There are details about the outing in both the Bloomin’ News and the flyer Norma created but below are the key details for easy reference. Please call if you have any questions. Hope to see you all there – it looks like a very interesting place.
DATE: August 7,2019
LOCATION: Tallac Heritage Site – 1 Heritage Way, South Lake Tahoe, CA
TIME: 9:45 – if you are planning to carpool the cars will be leaving the CVS Parking lot sharply at 9:45. If you are driving and have room for additional people please contact Norma as she is organizing the cars.
MEETING START TIME: 12:30 at the Burger Lounge picnic area
LUNCH: Burger Lounge, 717 Emerald Bay Road, South Lake Tahoe, CA