All – attached is the June Bloomin’ News, June Minutes, July agenda and Flyer for the July lunch
Below are the details for the July meeting – hope to see you all there. If you have any questions just give me a call or email me.
Our July meeting is coming up fast – you should have all received the email about the event and the lunch reservations – the flyer is also attached to this email but the key info is:
- Date: July 3rd, 2019
- Time: 10:30 – 11:00 Socializing, meeting begins at 11:00
- Location: Marleen Whelden’s home – see roster or June 22 email from V Laam
- Marleen will provide a tour of her beautiful gardens and answer questions after the meeting – don’t want to miss this one
- Please bring a chair
- Lunch is a buffet catered by Allison Owens (a recent new member to the club) – the fee is $15/person and all reservations must be received by June 30th. Make the checks out to “Dogwood Garden Club” and send to me at PO Box 1990, Pollock Pines.