Dogwood Garden Club Meeting
Wednesday, May 3, 2015
Maureen called the meeting to order.
Thank you Jeri Hartman for organizing the Amador Lily Farm tour!
There were no guests.
June Short passing. Jeri Hartman and Nancy Shultz shared memories.
Minutes from the last meeting: Sue Granno motioned to accept; Jeri Hartman seconded. Passed.
Treasurer’s Report: $2013.00
Old Business:
Membership Directories – Thank you Nanette for taking on this project. She was at the meeting selling them. They are $5 each. If you would like to buy one, contact Maureen.
Wagon Train – June 6th – DGC will be next to Friends of the Library with information between 9-1.
Fundraiser Luncheon – June 12th – There will be 6-7 raffle baskets, a case of wine ($10/cork). Maureen had raffle tickets for those who wanted to get a head start on putting their names on them. 36 tickets for $10. There will only be ½ hour between 11:30 and 12:00 for people to do their “business” (buy raffle tickets and distribute, silent auction). Silent auction items include VIP Fair pin, 3 hours of defensible space clearing, hand tooled leather purse, Thomas Kincaide signed print. Can take cash, checks and credit cards.
July 4th – FOL booksale and DGC bake sale after parade. Judy Jackson and Janet Sullivan are coordinating the baked goods part “Sweet Treats to Go.” Make small packaged goodies 4-6 cookies, slice of cake on a plastic plate, (no melting things) all wrapped up in a baggie with a little bow and a label noting if there is wheat, nuts, etc. There is refrigeration for those who need it. Judy needs a kiddie pool for ice. A sign up sheet went around at the meeting but they need many more volunteers to bake!
Team Reports
Sunshine Team: June birthday lunch will be at Cascadia in Placerville on June 10th at 11:30. Contact Annie Tornincasa to RSVP. Annie has a new e-mail in the memo she sent out. Be sure to use it.
Library Team: Marilyn gave the report. FOL will be selling books on July 4th. Bookmobile will be in the parade but not at the book sale. Wagon Train – FOL will have an information table and the Bookmobile will be next to CVS. The last book sale at Safeway brought in $381! Congratulations! Help is needed at the July 4th book sale. Money will go to children’s activities at the library. Wendy is accepting used book donations but must be current and in good condition.
Program Team: Norma gave the report. Next meeting will be held at Green Acres in Camino. More info to come.
Garden Team: Pat Schoggins gave report. Not much happening right now. Work on Dafodill Hill will be scheduled for around the end of June, first of July. Need to do some weed whacking. Look for more info in the Blooming News. Thanks to all the people who helped clean up the garden at the Community Center.
Decorating Team: Pat gave this report too. 4 centerpieces will be needed at the fundraiser luncheon. Pat and Norma will work on them. They will be simple! Pat will bring extra silk flowers to decorate serving tables if appropriate.
Meeting Adjourned!