Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Folsom College El Dorado Campus Master Gardeners Garden
The club members enjoyed a very informative tour by Master Gardener Sue McDavid and several other Master Gardeners. Some of the key points:
Netafim is the name of the in-line drip line system they use;
The rose food is 0-10-10;
Dessert Willow is the name of the bush with the beautiful orchid-like flowers.
The meeting was called to order by Maureen around noon.
Thanks to Jeri Hartmann for arranging the Master Gardener’s tour of their new demonstration garden at Folsom College’s El Dorado Campus.
Maureen introduced new member Marlene Ruth.
Janet Sullivan motioned to approve the August minutes; Teri Munyon seconded the motion. Approved by vote.
Treasurer’s report: We have $1574
Old Business:
Boys and Girls Club school supply drive – Supplies are being collected at Ship Shape. There is no actual deadline and supplies will continue to be collected for a while. Of the $312 earmarked for the Boys and Girls Club, Pat and Maureen bought basket balls, hula hoops and otter pops. The balance will go to Leslie (B&G club). Maureen will send out an updated list of supply needs. She is still looking for someone to help Leslie clean out and organize the Christmas closet. Call for Granny Elves will come out closer to the event.
New Business:
The Board is recommending a dues increase of $5/year to $30. Income from dues has decreased as the number of lifetime members has increase and the number of new members has decreased. Motion to increase the dues by Mary Bourn; seconded by Katherine Anderson. Approved by vote. Tom Shultz has the supplies for making cactus gardens which can be sold as a fundraiser for the club. He encourages others to come help make them. The club will be making Christmas boughs to sell as a fundraiser this year also.
Team descriptions have been updated and sent to team leaders for review. Terri Munyon asked about the craft team and was informed that the team did not exist at this time.
Team Reports:
Garden Team – Pat: Library clean up continues. Jeanne Harper just finished with August. Sandra Morgan will take over for September and Norma Ray will cover October. Mary Bourn and Becky McIntyre volunteered to split November. Pat and Jane will cover December and January as they are difficult months. Pat asked the Library Team to take over coordination of the library clean up. Sylvia Hamlin agreed. Norma will provide 2 buckets of sand for butt placement once the idea is approved (library team to follow up?)
Daffodil Hill: October 10th, 9 am clean up and planting scheduled. 2-3 people needed to trim iris’, 3 or so for clean up, a couple for planting. A youth organization (?) has asked for help planting some bulbs this fall. In exchange and to learn how, they will help us plant our bulbs. We have 300 bulbs to plant plus Patty Noble has some iris bulbs for whoever wants them. Nancy Shultz recommended pulling all the old bulbs, marking and replanting. Pat will check with Marilyn. Patty Noble and Marlene will help.
Decorating Team – Pat: Maureen and Pat collected some pinecones to use in the boughs to be made for Christmas fundraising. Pat will bring a sample to the next meeting.
Sunshine Team – Janet: A book was purchased for the library in memory of June Short. Chicken Soup for the Soul – The Cat Did What? The Birthday lunch will be held next Wednesday, September 9th at Sportsman’s. Contact host Donna Folts by Sunday if you plan to attend. A show of hands at the meeting indicated that 12 will attend. September birthdays: Tom Shultz, Pat Schoggins, Doris Morley, Judith Jordan, Nanette Lewis and Sheila Neilsen. Joy Heine continues to convalesce at her daughters in Rancho Cucamonga.
Program Team – Norma: Our next meeting will be held at High Hill Ranch in Camino and will begin at 11. Details will be in the Bloomin’ News. The November meeting will be at the Community Center and will be pot luck. The Christmas lunch will be held at the Log Cabin Cafe (Sierra Banquet Center). Please send any suggestions for fun things to do (like guess the baby pic) to any program team member.
Other: The Community Center’s Halloween event needs volunteers from 5-7 p.m.
Meeting adjourned at 12:22.