DOGWOOD GARDEN CLUB May 3, 2017 MINUTES Meeting called to order by Norma Ray at 11:59 a.m. Pledge of allegiance led by Marilu Blau Request for additional Agenda Items – Sly Park Resort Entrance Planting Nancy and Tom Schulz said they would be able to handle this on their own. Tom Schulz reminded club membersRead More
April 2017 – Minutes
DOGWOOD GARDEN CLUB APRIL 5, 2017 MINUTES Meeting called to order by Norma Ray at 12:00 Noon Pledge of Allegiance led by Marilu Blau Request for additional Agenda Items – Sly Park Resort Entrance Planting Nancy and Tom Schulz said they would be able to handle this on their own. Minutes from March 2017 MeetingRead More
March 2017 – Minutes
DOGWOOD GARDEN CLUB MARCH 1, 2017 MINUTES Meeting called to order by Norma Ray at 11:00 a.m. (33 attendees) Pledge of allegiance led by Marilu Blau Request for additional Agenda Items – Boys and Girls Club (Maureen Julian) – a jar was passed around at the meeting for contributions to the Boys and Girls clubRead More
February 2017 – Minutes
FEBRUARY 1, 2017 MINUTES Meeting called to order by Norma Ray at 12:03 p.m. Installation of officers for 2017 conducted by Maureen Julian Pledge of allegiance led by Marilu Blau Welcome by new President, Norma Ray Guests: Janelle was introduced by Marilyn Minutes from November 2016 Meeting Moved to approve, Mary Bourne Seconded, Sue GrannoRead More
Minutes, November 2, 2016 Meeting
President’s Last Message I look back over the last 2 years with so much gratitude in my heart for the wonderful experience I have had being your president. My comfort level is being “behind the scenes”; this was a big step in my personal growth (yes, we all can still keep growing!). If it hadn’tRead More