Dogwood Garden Club May 4, 2016 President MaureenRead More
April 2016 Minutes
President Maureen Julian opened the meeting after most had finished their lunch at Hop Sing Palace. She thanked Ginger DeGregory for arranging our day at the Museum of Wonder and Delight and our lunch at Hop Sing Palace. Darlene Grosz introduced Janet Hume who was her guest. Maureen said that we have collected $137.06 soRead More
March 2016 Minutes
Meeting Minutes 03/2/16 We began the meeting with our speaker, Ellen Osborn who spoke about her ancestor John Calhoun Johnson. She told of his history and meeting up with an Indian Fall Leaf – who gave his name to Fallen Leaf Lake – Her history was fascinating and told a lot about our area andRead More
November 2015 Minutes
Dogwood Garden Club Meeting November 3, 2015 Minutes Meeting called to order by President Maureen at 11:55 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance New members: Joanie Van der Pool and Lou Miller. October minutes approval: Marilyn motioned to approve the minutes; Ken seconded. Passed. Treasurer’s report: Per Teresa, we have $1,145. Old Business: Boys andRead More
August Minutes
August Minutes Dogwood Garden Club Meetin Minutes August 5, 2015 Meeting called to order by Maureen at 10:16. Pledge of allegiance Guests: Choral brought her new neighbor Pam. Tom and Nancy brought their neighbor Marlene Ruth. July minute approval: Marilyn motioned, Choral seconded motion, approved. Treasurer’s report – Teresa: TheRead More